Friday, July 8, 2011

What Is Your Culture? --Numbers 33 - Part 2

This post is a continuation of the book of Numbers, chapter 33. If you have not yet read part 1, you can do so HERE.

Not only were the Israelites not allowed to have a *comfort zone* during these 40 years of wondering in the desert, I believe that God did not want them to get comfortable in any of the surrounding cultures. They had been very comfortable in Egyptian culture. They were so comfortable in it, in fact, that while Moses was on Mount Sinai, they, along with Aaron, their priest, melted down all of their gold and molded it into a golden calf and worshiped it! (See Exodus 32). This part of the story is always so fascinating to me!! They knew that they were God's chosen people. They had had front row seats to the miracles of God, including the parting of the Red Sea!! Can you even imagine crossing on the sea floor and having it be dry?! And then Pharaoh and his men, with all their horses and chariots, are washed over with the water and you have made it safe to the other side?? This must've been amazing to be a part of!! But not long after these events, they started back in with Egyptian culture - the customs and religious practices. I just feel like screaming at them 'WHY?? Why would you do that??' I think that that is one of those mysteries in the Bible that I may never know the answer to. Or maybe, every day, I have the opportunity to see the Hand of God at work and still everyday, I choose to worship something else. We all do it. It is part of being human. But I don't have to accept that. I can get up each morning when His mercies are new, and get a fresh start to try again. What an awesome God we serve!!

A while back at our youth group, we watched a video series about 6 or 8 teenagers. These teens traveled around the country and met different people who are doing big things for God. One of the places that they went was Atlanta. While there, they learned alot about Martin Luther King Jr. and his work and his belief that we could all be one people - without segregation. They met a man in Atlanta (sorry, I do not know his name) who asked them what their culture was. Some of the teens could answer very easily while others struggled to know how to define that. He explained that your culture is different than your nationality. Within America, we may all be the same nationality but we have many different cultures. I grew up in New England but I have friends from the South and they have a different way of viewing life. Someone from New York City would obviously have a very different culture than a farmer from Kansas or someone from Texas. So, at the end of challenging these teens to answer the question for themselves, he told them this: I am a Christian who happens to be a black man. I am not a black man who happens to be a Christian. Do you see the difference?? The culture he most closely identified himself with was The Kingdom of God. (Not to mention, that he didn't say anything about his nationality!) He said that we should all have a mindset of Kingdom Culture. Philippians 3:20 says that our citizenship is in heaven and we are eagerly awaiting a Savior from there. Are we acting like we are just visitors here? Do we view ourselves as having a citizenship in heaven and having a Kingdom culture?

So, let me ask you today? Who's culture are you following? Who's culture are you choosing to participate in?

Thank you for reading! If you enjoy the blog or know of someone who might, then please pass this on to them. And may the Lord bless you all as you seek to know Him better!


  1. I love the OT books. My senior bible study group on Wednesday mornings taught by our Pastor is in the book of Judges. We Just finished learning about Gideon. God can use even the farmer to lead his people.

    I took a peek at your sister's blog and hope to go back and do some of her readings. I was amazed at how long her hair was. It's beautiful!

  2. I love the Old Testament books too! I wish I was Jewish so I could have a better understanding of the history and the culture of it though.

    Yes her hair is very long! I think hair like that is more of a commitment than reading the Bible. LOL She hasn't cut it for many years!

  3. Shannon I'm always learning something from you. Thanks


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