Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Choose To Set The Tone

Last week Zoe and I saw this posted on a sign outside a store:

Be a thermostat not a thermometer.

It took me a few minutes to figure it out. A thermometer only measures the temperature around it. A thermostat sets the temperature around it. So which one are you?

Each day we have a choice to absorb the tone of the environment around us or to have an influence on it. Yes, you have an influence on those around you!! Is your mood, your voice, your attitude simply a reflection of the world around you? There is a lot of negativity and selfishness out there. Are you a measure of how bad it is?

Or are you setting the tone in your environment? Are you seeking to create a positive atmosphere? Or encourage people? To help those who only know how to be a thermostat? If you have even been the thermostat (and who hasn't) then you know that you are just miserable when you are like that! It only makes the situation worse and sometimes we aren't even aware that we're doing it. If you have ever set your mind on rising above your environment, then you know that it can be a challenge to do so, but the reward of not taking on other people's junk is SO worth it!

So, which are you going to be? The thermostat or the thermometer?

This picture has nothing to do with this post, I just like it and couldn't figure out how to get it into a post. I may start a feature at the end of my posts called The Random Picture Of The Day :)

 Please let me know how you have had a positive effect on your environment and those around you! Let us spur one another on to love and good works!

1 comment:

  1. The rose is so beautiful I can almost smell it's fragrance.

    I like to set the tone of Jesus' Joy. Praise God Halleluja!


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