Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Contentment - The Theme For 43

So, tomorrow is my birthday. Yup 43. What am I doing with this life? What will people see in it when they look back? What are my children getting from it?

Anyway, typically, for about a week leading up to my birthday, I spend some time in reflection over the previous year, just simply counting my blessings and looking  at where I've come as a person. I also start looking forward to where I want to go in the next year. For the last several years I have chosen a song to be my theme song for the year and to kind of represent who I want to be or to become during that time. But this year I have forgotten to do all of that. I have been distracted and stressed. I have missed out on the joy that I get from this time of reflection.
And then today, it came to me! I am in the middle of doing a Bible study called Fight Back With Joy by Margaret Feinburg and I am also reading the book that goes along with it. I was reading today in Philippians 4 where Paul says that he has learned to be content in EVERY situation, no matter what his circumstances are because he can do ALL things through the power of Christ living in him. Wow! What if I applied that way of thinking to my life, to my circumstances? What if I could look at raising teenagers and say that I am content with my life and my struggles? What about my finances? My marriage? The hormonal changes going on in my own body? Would I be able to stand and say TODAY that I am content no matter what? No. No, I could not say that today and I certainly have not been living with contentment. But perhaps it is something worth pursuing, worth chasing after, worth trying to attain to.
Yes. Philippians 4:11 will be my verse for the year: "I have learned to be content no matter what my circumstances". Content will be my word for the year. I will be content, or at least strive toward it, in the power of Christ. I will have to do it in His power. If I were able to do it on my own, I would have done it already.
And what about a song? I think this one will do:
For the first time in months, I have a feeling of HOPE!
I am looking forward to a new chapter!
May God Bless you ALL as you seek to know Him more ~ Shannon

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