Monday, May 30, 2011

To Share or Not to Share?

Pride is really an issue of mine. I think, for alot of Americans, this is probably true. Our culture promotes it with our  Look out for Number 1 - Over-Achieving - Me Me Me mentality. This issue of pride is not a new thing for me but I have felt the Lord really working on my heart in this area during the last month. When we met Jeremy Camp, he was so humble. He didn't want any glory for himself but truly wanted all the glory to go to Jesus. I  came away from that experience thinking, "I may love Jesus, but my life is all about Shannon." My life is not about Jesus or His Kingdom. It's about my kingdom. So, that is an area that I have been working on.

When I first thought about doing a blog, I really felt that if I promoted it, that I was really just saying to the world, "Look at ME. Look at what I'm doing. Look at what I have to say." So I didn't want to promote it on Facebook for fear of being prideful. Now I know that most of you would not say that promoting the blog on Facebook is being prideful, but it was something that was on my heart.

Well, after a week-end of serving the community with my church family, I have come to a new conclusion about the matter. Sharing my blog is alot like sharing the Gospel. It's not for me to decide who it's meant for. It's my job just to share it. So, in that light, I have decided to talk about it on Facebook and *promote* it, if you will. If people are meant to be here reading, God will work that out.

I think another reason I was hesitant to promote it, is because it is my heart. It can be scary to put yourself out there to the world. Now granted, I am in control of how much share and all that, but I started the blog to share. If I am seeking to glorify Him, then why should I worry or fear about sharing? So, again, I will put it in His hands.

Thanks to each of you for being here with me :) I do love you all

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Day for Celebrating!!

Today marks one year that I have been free of any and all anxiety meds!! Thank you Jesus!!

Breaking free from the hold that my anxiety had on me was one of the hardest things that I have ever done. I had purposed in my heart that I was going to wait on God and trust in Him. No more living life my own way and being miserable. I was determined that God had good things in store for me if I would surrender to Him and His leading. But the tendency to panic and take matters into your own hands can be strong, can't it? And this was my go-to behavior. Panic and make rash decisions. So, one year ago today, I wrestled it out with God. Much like Jacob had to do in the end of  Genesis 32. Jacob had to deal with some junk from his past; some mistakes, some hurt feelings (to say the least!) and some bad behaviors. Sometimes the only way to get over our past - behavior patterns, regret, guilt, etc - and to move on with a fresh start is to wrestle it out with God. I had committed in my heart to do things God's way, but in my flesh I am weak. I wanted to panic. wanted to do things my own way. Waiting is hard!

But God did a work in my heart that day that has defined me ever since. He made me realize just how Powerful He is and just how much I need His hand on my life. He helped me to see that I don't have to bear my burdens alone, He is there with me. Like a father, He has in mind the type of person that He wants me to be. I have surrendered to His molding. He has given me a passion for Him and His Word in place of my anxiety. With His help (and a lot of tears), I broke the chains of my anxiety!

That day marked a new beginning for me on my faith journey.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Not sure what I'm doing ...

It was recently suggested to me that I write a book or start a blog. Apparently there's one person out there who thinks I have something to say that is worth reading! LOL

I named the blog Joy Is Found In Him based on Psalm 16:11 -- In Your presence is fullness of joy! (NKJV) I love that verse! I have sought joy in so many worldly things and have learned from experience the truth of this verse. I don't know where I'd be without my faith and I am so thankful to God for the work that He's done in my heart.

I don't really have a plan for this blog. Just thoughts on life, family and faith. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading :)
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