Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is your 'Egypt'?

I am the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy. Leviticus 11:45

Over and over again in the Old Testament, God is pointing the Isrealites back to the Exodus out of Egypt. He is continually calling them to remember what He has done for them. As we approach Thanksgiving here in the United States, many people are pausing to reflect on what they are Thaknkful for in their lives. So, I am wondering --

What is it that God has done for you in your past?

What is your 'Egypt'?

What has He redeemed and rescued you from?

Addiction? Stress? Pride? Bitterness? Anger? Depression? Self-centeredness? Feelings of worthlessness? Shame? Guilt? Fear?

God has rescured you from those things to give you FREEDOM and a life of ABUNDANCE! Are you claiming that? Are you living fully in that? In Leviticus 11:45 God tells the Israelites that He brought them out of a life of bondage in order to be their God. He saves us because He desires a relationship with us!! Not because we deserve it but because He loves us! Are you Thankful for that this November? Thankful that you don't have to live in bondage but rather that we can live in His GRACE and His LOVE? YOU are someone of great worth and significance to God!! Please take a few minutes to pause today and reflect on what He has done for you. Please let go of your junk and embrace Him!


  1. I'm not very good at commenting, but I wanted to say thank you for this post. Praise God for the good work He is doing in our lives and for the freedom we can find in him!

    I also stopped by to say thanks for joining up with Reading Challenge 2011 on my blog. If you are interested, I've just posted the start of 2012 and would love to have you join in if you would like!

  2. Hi Shannon, It's been awhile since I've blogged but I have use my time to do some quilting. I stopped by and seen that your last blog was on November 6 which happened to be my 70th birthday. You also referenced The Isralite's Exodus out of Egypt and how God is constantly wanting us to remember what He has done for us. Well just this morning I finished the book of Exodus as I am reading the Bible in a year. I thought it was pretty neat God brought me to your blog with all these associations in my life. Well my friend and sister in Christ, continue your good work whether it be blogging, teaching,or spending time with your family. God has Blessed you.

  3. Grandma, how neat that you had all those associations! I pray that you are doing well. We have been very busy here. Last fall I had to put the blog on hold while I took a class and since New Year's I have personally been very busy in the Word. I just love to get into a good, deep Bible study with some ladies!

    Colin turned 13 in January and Zoe just turned 17 last week! I almost doesn't seem possible that that much time has gone by since they each came into my life. They are both the greatest joys and the greatest challenges of my life! And they are also keeping me busy. I have had some blogging ideas come to mind lately and am trying to carve out some time for it.

    Thanks for checking in with me and God Bless :)


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