Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mary, Martha & Facebook

 Before we start this post, if you are unfamiliar with Mary and Martha, please take just a minute to read their story HERE.

Do you ever have recurring themes in your life? I wouldn't say that this is a *life* theme but maybe more of a *season* theme. I am in the season of Mary and Martha. It seems like every week or so they come back and each time they have a different message for me. I really wish I had been writing them down :)

Now if you know me, you know that I am a Martha! I would love to be like Mary but honestly, I just don't understand her. How can she just sit there? I have way too much to do for that! So, a couple weeks ago, I thought that since they kept coming back around to me, that perhaps I should read their story over again. So I did and what I found was kinda painful. Just being honest. Here is the part that struck me:

Mary,  was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted...

OUCH!! She was distracted?? How often am I floating through life distracted? I am running two children to various music, church and/or sporting events, keeping a home, errands, etc. (Never mind the fact that I work 40 hours a week.) Usually my mind is already on the next thing. No wonder I'm tired and feel run down. I crave silence. I long for Sabbaths and for days of fasting to spend time with Jesus - the Restorer of my Soul! So, it occurred to me that Mary had chosen the better part. Worship. I know I'm supposed to worship but I just get  .... oops! .. . there it is again .... Distracted!! Lord, help me!
So,anyway, now I'm rambling. It occurred to me that Jesus was NOT a multi-tasker. Mary was NOT a multi-tasker. But Martha was. What about me? Am I trying to do to many things at once? I feel that it is simply a matter of being on the go all the time. And having a husband who works evenings.

So, this morning, Mary and Martha came back  around with a new lesson. Mary was focused on Jesus. ONLY Jesus. But Martha was not only too busy to be focused on Jesus, she was also too busy worrying about what Mary was doing! Oh wow! So, perhaps I just need to be focused on Jesus and not be concerned about what other people are doing. Not in an 'I'm going to isolate myself" or an 'I'm going to ignore you and your needs' kind of way but more like a minding of my own business :)

Having said all of that, I will now tell you that this came to me this morning after last night deciding to close my Facebook account. And I spent the day COMPLETELY FILLED WITH HIS JOY!!!


  1. Wow! Shannon this is very well written. Your self expression seeing yourself as a Martha was very profound. Giving up your facebook account is bringing you closer to being a Mary. Keep up the writings of your blog. I look forward to them.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement Grandma :)

  3. WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you Shannon for opening my eyes a little more. I've been struggling with being to busy and your blog just hit me right where it should. THANKS!

  4. Thanks Steph! That really means alot to me :)

  5. I love the story of Mary and Martha. I can get totally convicted about making myself to busy, and signing up for all kinds of stuff that isn't bad, but also not something the Lord steered me to. I get totally caught up in the "this is what Christian's do" mentality, that I forsake the personal calling God has given me. Instead of over extending myself, I need to quiet my soul before the Lord and ask what HE wills for my life, not assume. Thanks for this, I love how God is outside of space and time and can speak to me from an almost 3 year old blog post ;)

  6. Nichole, we are choosing good things! That's part of the problem. I'm glad that I was able to encourage you today :)

    PS - try this post too:


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