Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ok this is not going to be like a typical post for me. I have a video that I wanted to share but the song gets lost in the video, well at least for me it does, because I always get caught up in the *action* part of it. So I thought that first I would post the song just in lyric form and then post the video after that.  So, yes you are getting the same song twice, but I love the song just for it's *worshipful* nature (is that even a word? Could be a Shannon-ism!) but I love the video for it's message. So, I was just wondering, would you all bear with me? Would you just humor me a little? Thanks :)

Here is the song with lyrics:

And here is the video that I wanted to share in the first place :)
Warning: I cry EVERY time I watch it!

Do you see yourself in this video? I sure do. 
I have certainly been drawn away by lust, greed, vanity. 
Struggled with insecurity, loneliness, depression and anxiety.
Did you also notice in the video, that the further the girl got from Jesus, the more her anxiety increased? 
I am so thankful that God has delivered me from all of that!!
Now my hope, my joy comes from Him and HIM ALONE!!
Please do not mistake this as me saying that I do not love my family and friends and that I do not find joy in them. I certainly do. But I don't think it was possible for me to enjoy those *earthly* joys until He delivered me from all that junk. And once I found what joy from the Lord felt like -- NOTHING CAN COMPARE TO THAT!!


  1. I have seen that skit several times.. And watched it several times after being first introduced to it. Amazing..story is powerful and yes, I can see myself in i think many do!

  2. Yes it is powerful isn't it? I think we get so caught up in the things that draw us away from God that we don't realize that He is trying to draw us back. I like it as a reminder that He is always there for me.


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