Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Press On!

 I feel like hibernating! Usually that is a feeling that I would associate with Winter, but that is how I have felt over the last few weeks. I have left Facebook, left my Monday night ladies group (both temporary, I'm sure). I don't feel like calling people very much. I am still very social at work, at baseball, at church and you know, at life in general. But I'm not initiating things, conversations, visits, etc.

I just can't seen to shake this feeling of blaaahhhh ....

At first I was sure it was just hormones. That was just what kind of week it was. But then the next week came and it wasn't any better. Well, now I am moving into the third week of this junk and all I can think at this point is: Spiritual Attack. Gotta be. It just isn't like me to cry like this. I just can't seem to shake this sadness. I don't feel depressed. I'm just sad at times. Last week I was talking to a very dear friend of mine and I told her that I feel like I'm mourning. And I'm not sure why. And there's also this feeling of pending doom. I hate that feeling, you know!?

For the last several weeks I have also been drawn to Philippians 3. Paul faced a lot tougher stuff than what is on my list!! I love his passion!! I have been really reminding myself lately to PRESS ON!! I am pretty sure that part of this bought of Spiritual Attack is because of the blog. My purpose for it is to encourage people in their Faith Walk and of course, when you do that kind of thing, you are inviting the attention of the enemy.

But I press on! I know that I have encouraged people so I will continue to write. But would you pray for me please?? Thank you so much for reading. I really do appreciate you!

And here's a song to lift the mood! A friend of mine once said, 'How can you be sad with this blasting on your iPod??' LOL So, turn it up and PRAISE HIM!! You simply CANNOT listen to or sing along with this song and be upset!!

May the Lord Bless you all as you seek to know Him better!!


  1. You have shared your most inner thoughts and feelings with us. I say thank you. I have not met you but I feel I know you and can honestly say you have blessed me.

    My prayer for you is to seek the Holy Spirit and allow Him to reveal Himself to you. God has Blessed you.

  2. Thank you Grandma! I would love to meet you someday and give you a great big hug :)

  3. Shannon-
    Thank you for sharing this with us. So many times we go through things that cause a sadness, yet we don't know what the cause is. You are a strong person and I know you will perservere over this feeling of blah. But if it takes you some time, then let it be. Can't force something that is not there. If you know what I mean. Thinking of you!


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