Friday, August 19, 2011

His Way Or My Way?

What if you could get what you wanted but in order to do so, you would have to be out of God's will for your life? Would you do it? What would you do to get your own way? And would the sacrifice be worth it?

When we were on our vacation in New Hampshire we played a game called 'Would You Rather?' Essentially you are given two choices and you must pick one of the two. So, I'm going to give you my own version of 'Would You Rather?' today.

Would you rather:

Get Your Own Way


Be In God's Will For Your Life?

You MUST choose one. You cannot always have it both ways. (Yes there will be times when these two choices line up with each other).

Is what we want really more important than what God wants? How near-sighted we are when we are upset and disappointed that things in this life aren't going the way we want. If the thing we wanted would accomplish God's will, then OF COURSE  He would give it to us!! Like a loving Father, He doesn't withhold ANY good thing from us.So why are we so bogged down with depression, sadness, wanting what other people have? Why is it that we have such a hard time with TRUST? Can't we see that God has our best interest at heart?

God's ways are so much higher than our ways. He sees the end from the beginning. He has promised me that He will NEVER leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:5). He has promised that He has plans for me to prosper and to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Shouldn't I be trusting in that instead of doubting??

PS -  Here's a preview of this week's Week In Review post:

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